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National Cancer Plan Goals

The National Cancer Plan has eight goals aimed at changing how we know cancer today.

The four empowering goals (Engage Every Person, Eliminate Inequities, Maximize Data Utility, and Optimize the Workforce) are essential to moving forward the four health-centric goals (Deliver Optimal Care, Detect Cancers Early, Develop Effective Treatments, and Prevent Cancer). The goals are written as aspirational statements, describing an ideal future, and represent opportunities for everyone and every organization to contribute to our continued progress against cancer.

Explore the plan's goals using the links below.

  • A purple, circular icon with a photo of an elderly man and woman in activewear, walking and laughing together. Above them are the words Prevent Cancer.

    Prevent Cancer

    All people and society adopt proven strategies that reduce the risk of cancer.

  • A teal green, circular icon with a photo of a health care professional standing behind a woman, who she is helping position at a mammogram machine. Above them are the words Detect Cancers Early.

    Detect Cancers Early

    Cancers are detected and treated at early stages, enabling more effective treatment and reducing morbidity and mortality.

  • A yellow, circular icon with a photo of a woman in a lab coat, clear safety goggles, and gloves looking to a microscope. Above her are the words Develop Effective Treatments.

    Develop Effective Treatments

    Effective treatment, with minimal side effects, is accessible to all people with all cancers, including those with rare cancers, metastatic cancers, and treatment-resistant disease.

  • A reddish brown, circular icon with a photo of a woman and a doctor.

    Eliminate Cancer Health Disparities

    Disparities in cancer risk factors, incidence, treatment side effects, and mortality are eliminated through better access to prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship care for all.

  • A purple, circular icon with a photo of a health care professional in a lab coat talking to an elderly woman with white hair, glasses, and a sweater. Above them are the words Deliver Optimal Care.

    Deliver Optimal Care

    The health care system delivers to all people evidence-based, patient-centered care that prioritizes prevention, reduces cancer morbidity and mortality, and improves the lives of cancer survivors, including people living with cancer.

  • A teal green, circular icon with a photo of a talking with her hands and smiling at a conference table, while a bearded man in glasses, shirt, and tie looks at her. Above them are the words Engage Every Person.

    Engage Every Person

    Every person with cancer or at risk for cancer has an opportunity to participate in research or otherwise contribute to the collective knowledge base, and barriers to their participation are eliminated.

  • A yellow, circular icon with a photo of two women looking over notes. Above them are the words Maximize Data Utility.

    Maximize Data Utility

    Secure sharing of privacy-protected health data is standard practice throughout research, and researchers share and use available data to achieve rapid progress against cancer.

  • A reddish brown, circular icon with a photo of a three health care professionals in a group. Above them are the words Optimize the Workforce.

    Optimize the Workforce

    The cancer care and research workforce is diverse, reflects the communities served, and meets the needs of all people with cancer and those at risk for cancer, ensuring they live longer and healthier lives.
